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Remembering Laurie: A Blogmas '23 Get to Know Me Series

Hello, dear readers!

As part of the Blogmas '23 Get to Know Me series, I'm honored to introduce you to someone incredibly special to me—Laurie. You may have noticed her signature at the end of all my blog posts and emails. Laurie wasn't just a name; she was my cousin, a vibrant soul with a passion for knitting and a heart dedicated to making a difference.

Laurie's Love for Knitting:

Laurie was more than just a cousin; she was an avid knitter. Her needles danced over yarn, creating intricate patterns and cozy garments. Together with her mom, my beloved aunt Annette, Laurie devoted her time to knitting for charity. Their shared love for this craft was a bonding thread that wove through their lives, creating warmth not only in the physical items they crafted but also in the connections they formed.

A Gift of Love:

Laurie's generosity and warmth extended beyond the knitting community. She gifted me a pair of mittens twice in her lifetime. The first pair came when I got married, a tangible expression of her love and joy for my new chapter. The second pair arrived during the winter before her passing, a poignant reminder of her enduring spirit and thoughtfulness.

A Battle with Bipolar:

Behind Laurie's creative prowess and kind gestures was a silent battle with bipolar disorder. Mental illness cast a shadow on her vibrant spirit, leading to a struggle that ultimately claimed her life. Laurie's story is a poignant reminder of the impact of mental health challenges and the importance of fostering understanding and support.

Creating a Community of Understanding:

This blog is more than a platform for sharing stories; it's a space dedicated to those who, like Laurie and me, navigate the complexities of mental illness. My aim is to break the silence, dispel the stigma, and create a community where no one feels alone. Laurie's legacy fuels my commitment to building connections, providing support, and fostering a sense of understanding for those facing similar battles.


As we delve into this Blogmas '23 series, I invite you to join me in honoring Laurie's memory. Let's come together as a community, supporting one another through the highs and lows, and working towards a future where mental health is openly discussed, understood, and embraced. Thank you for being a part of this journey—a journey that goes beyond words, stitches, and signatures. Here's to creating a space where compassion and community thrive.

Rest in peace, Laurie.



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