The Dabble Spot

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Crafting a New Beginning: The Dabble Spot Journey

Hello, dear readers!

Today, I'm opening up about the incredible journey that led to the creation of The Dabble Spot. It's more than just a blog; it's a vibrant space where passion, creativity, and curiosity converge. But before we dive in, let me take you back to my roots.

I grew up just outside of Washington D.C., followed my dreams to fashion school in Tampa, FL, and eventually found myself in the bustling streets of New York City. For eleven years, I worked tirelessly as a technical designer in the world of women's wear. Life was challenging but manageable until I found myself in a toxic work environment that pushed me to my limits.

The pressure was unbearable, leading to physical and mental health struggles. Panic attacks became a regular occurrence, and my body seemed to rebel against me. Visits to specialists yielded no concrete answers; the consensus was that it must be depression. Despite years of therapy and medication, my situation didn't improve.

In a moment of clarity, I made a bold decision: I quit my job. It wasn't an easy step, but it was necessary for my well-being. For years, I had nurtured a dream of creating a haven—a craft café shop where creativity could flourish. Even though banks and circumstances said otherwise, I was determined.

My dream of a brick-and-mortar store was put on hold, but it didn't stop me. I embarked on a journey of research, resilience, and determination. Even when a deal fell through, I didn't give up. Instead, I decided to bring my dream online, where my creativity could know no bounds and reach a wider audience.

And that's how The Dabble Spot was born—a sanctuary for creativity, a refuge from toxic environments, and a space to foster mental well-being. I wanted to create a haven for individuals like me, a place where we could find solace in crafting, where stress could be released, and where we could regain our center.

This space isn't just about crafts and coffee; it's about healing, supporting, and creating together. I envision workshops, classes, art nights, and cozy craft mornings on the weekends. But most importantly, I want to hear from you. What do you want to see in this space? Your input is invaluable as we shape this creative haven together.

Thank you for being a part of The Dabble Spot community. Your presence here means the world to me. Let's be a supportive, creative family, fueling our passions, sipping on our coffee and tea, and crafting beautiful things together.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Laurie & Bex

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